NJ Fair Housing, An Overview, (1 credit):
This course will be held as a webinar, via webex, from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM, on:
Monday, Feb. 3, 2025.
Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2025.
Tuesday, March, 4 2025.
Tuesday, April, 22, 2025.
Monday, March. 24, 2025.
Monday, April. 7, 2025.
Ethics in NJ Real Estate Practice, (2 credits):
This course will be held as a webinar, via webex, from 4:05 PM to 6:00 PM, on:
Monday, Feb.,3 2025.
Monday, March. 24, 2025.
Monday April. 7, 2025.
Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2025.
Tuesday, March. 4, 2025.
Tuesday, April. 22.2025.
These Core Courses, (3 credits) will be held as a webinar via webex, from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM, on:
NJ Leasing: (3 credits, Core).
Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2025.
Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2025.
Tuesday, March, 25, 2025.
Tuesday, April. 8, 2025.
Monday, March 10, 2025.
Wednesday, April, 23. 2025.
Ownership Representation: (3 credits, Includes 1 credit of Agency).
Monday, Feb. 10, 2025.
Monday, Feb. 24, 2025.
Tuesday, March, 11, 2025.
Monday, March. 31, 2025.
Monday, April, 14, 2025.
Financial Planning For NJ Real Estate Agents: (3 credits, CORE).
Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2025.
Advanced Financial Planning For NJ Real Estate Agents: (3 credits).
Monday, March, 3,2025.
Tuesday, March, 18, 2025.
Tuesday, April, 1, 2025.
Tuesday, April, 15. 2025.
New Core Topics, (3 credits).
To be determined
The elective courses below will be held as webinars via webex, Each course is three (3) credit hours, and will be from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM.
Real Estate Financing, How it is Done, (3 credits).
NJ Property Management, (3 credits).
to be determined.
Commercial Real Estate, An Overview, (3 credits).
To be determined
Get it all done by attending the core, ethics and elective classes listed above, by taking our easy to attend sessions. Our classes are offered, currently as webinars via webex. You can take the class anywhere you have access to a computer or on your smart phone. In the past, prior to the virus we held classes, at 226 Washington St. Boonton, NJ. On site classes are available for those would like to attend in person.
To be announced. The Referral Agent make-up courses consist of ethics and core classes. These classes are offered on Saturday morning from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM and in the afternoon from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM at 226 Washington St. Boonton, NJ. Based on demand we can offer these classes on line using webex.
Attendance is required to receive credit for the courses. You will also need to provide your real estate license number, your correct name that your are licensed under, identification and your tuition unless you have prepaid. Students who are late by more than 10 minutes but under 20 minutes can makeup the missed material during the break. If you are more than 20 minutes late, then you will need to make up the missed sections at a future class. Partial credit for a portion of the course is not possible. You must complete the entire course to receive any credit for the course.
Payment is requested prior to the start of the course. On line payments are refundable one day prior to the commencement of the course. Once the course starts, refunds are not available, but if you have to miss a class, we can let you attend a future class as a makeup session, just call us in advance, and let us know so we can make arrangements. As we get closer to April 2023 make-up session become fewer since seating is very limited then.
We process your credits within days after the class. It is your responsibility to check your transcripts after we notify you that your credits have been processed. Please check you transcript at: http://njrece.psiexams.com
Remember capital L then your license number for user id and capital L plus license number plus last 4 digits of Soc. Sec. for your password. Please check for the licensing cycle for 2019.
We have a course program for referral agents who would like to convert back to salesperson or broker-salesperson status. weekend classes are available.
We offer onsite training at broker offices. We request at least 10 licensees for onsite training. Group rates are available for larger groups.
You can refer to your pocket card, ask your broker or go to: www.nj.gov, click on deaprtments and agencies, click on Banking and Insurance, go to license search real estate, and type in your name. www20.state.nj.us/dobi_licsearch/recsearch.jsp